#(cycling-link: "Napenthe", "Shadow")
(link-reveal: "1.")
It's (cycling-link:"a grey","a dour","a sweaty","a sickly") (cycling-link:"day", "night").
You know better than to (cycling-link: "walk", "jog") by (link-reveal:"yourself.")[ You used to have (link-replace: "friends.")[friends, back before the (cycling-link: "drinking", "drugs") got out of hand.]]]
[[2.]](link-reveal: "2.")[
You're more than a little (cycling-link: "depressed.", "low.", "fucked in the head.") But you've got a (cycling-link: "bottle", "sack") that will put your head (link-reveal: "right.")[ All things relative...]]
You finally get (link-replace: "home. ")[to the place you're crashing. The place is a wreck, but at least you have your own (link-replace: "room.")[closet, for the time before (cycling-link: "Debbie", "Charles") kicks you (link-reveal:"out.")[
(cycling-link: "Debbie", "Charles") isn't a bad person. You wear on (link-replace: "people.")[people's nerves. You know that about (link-reveal: "yourself.")[
But for now, you can have a little (link-replace: "quiet.")[oblivion.]]]]]]